My wife and her friend are leading a ladies study and the first lesson dealt with one of Mary and Martha's encounter with Jesus.
Luke 10 - 38 While Jesus and his followers were traveling, Jesus went into a town. A woman named Martha let Jesus stay at her house. 39 Martha had a sister named Mary, who was sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to him teach. 40 But Martha was busy with all the work to be done. She went in and said, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me alone to do all the work? Tell her to help me.”
41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things. 42 Only one thing is important. Mary has chosen the better thing, and it will never be taken away from her.”
The better thing that Jesus was talking about was the fact that Mary was willing to wait upon the Lord. If you notice, Martha was worried and upset about many things. These things she was worried and upset about had to do with her focus. Her focus was not on the Lord, but upon the world. Do you find yourself worried and upset about many things? I bet you do.
One of the most obvious and truthful words of Jesus was when He said, "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33). Can you identify with Jesus on this one? I have never met a person who is either not going through trouble presently or has not been through trouble in the past. Let's face it, if you are breathing, your going to have troubles in this life. Life comes with a lot of weight and burdens. So, what are we to do?
Everyone has only two options. You can either wait on God or you can wait on yourself (try to do it on your own). It's either Jesus way or the world's way. Here's how Jesus finished up the rest of John 16:33 - "I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. Be brave! I have defeated the world." Do you want peace? It is found in waiting upon the Lord. Again Jesus said, "Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives. The burden that I ask you to accept is easy; the load I give you to carry is light. " (Matthew 11:28-29). Do you want rest? Rest for life's burdens is found in waiting upon the Lord.
The world offers nothing but despair and darkness for all of life's troubles. What option seems best to you? When the weight of the world is on your back it makes a difference in what you wait on!
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